Hello, I'm

David Kühnert

I work on things related to the Internet, consult on IT and write mostly about things around the web (+ coffee ☕).

David Kühnert
December 24, 2021

‚Peopleware‘ – a book by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister

Every year between Christmas and New Year's Day it has become a tradition of mine to reread favorite books or articles that have impressed me. While articles and books have changed over the years depending on what stage of my life I was in, a constant always has been and probably will be for the foreseeable future is ‚Peopleware‘ by Tom DeMarco and Timothy Lister. Let me tell you why.

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10. Dezember 2021

Hario V60 Handfilter mit der 4:6 Methode von Tetsu Kasuya

Wenn mich Freunde fragen, wie sie mit wenig Aufwand und einem kleinen Budget in die Kaffeezubereitung zu Hause einsteigen können, empfehle ich in den meisten Fällen den Hario V60 Handfilter. Was diesen Handfilter von Hario so besonders macht, weswegen er sich für Einsteiger sehr gut eignet, aber auch bei Fortgeschrittenen und Profi-Baristas so populär ist, darauf möchte ich in diesem Artikel eingehen. Dazu möchte ich das V60 Rezept von Tetsu Kasuya vorstellen, mit dem er 2016 den World Brewers Cup gewinnen konnte.

September 24, 2021

‘Gen-Z’ and computer science

When I began working in IT support at the start of my work life, I didn’t think I had a real future in this career path. Why would someone who first got in touch with personal computers when he was as old as 12 years be better in understanding how computers work than the next generation who would be so used to computers, handphones, tablets and so much more. I was certain that they would surely be way better in interacting with computers and solving IT problems because they grew up with it. How wrong I was.

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June 20, 2019

Seeking discomfort to progress in life

Actions that lie outside of our comfort zone can provide some of life’s greatest (and most exciting) benefits. Those who cling to their comfort zone like cat hair to a sweater are training themselves to only be comfortable in very specific scenarios.

Stephen Guise - Medium: Why It’s So Important to Seek Discomfort

Like with everything in life, you can only develop if you take the first step. And that is applicable to almost every situation you may encounter:

  • Quitting a job is hard and takes courage, but may well be worth it if the next one has the potential to give you more joy in life or lets you have experience in a new field of work.
  • Learning something new always takes time and effort, but it may provide useful down the road, wether it’s professionally or in your personal life.

Bottom line is: working hard and developing yourself is not comfortable as it requires you to step out of your current comfort zone and exposes your to temporary discomfort, but is neccessary to be comfortable and more happier later.